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For each sentence below, indicate whether the semicolon use is correct or incorrect.

I've been to Toledo, and I've hugged a potato; however, I've never tried tandem gargling.

I have three passions; skeet shooting, llama raising, and accordion playing.

If you have not been to the roller derby; you should definitely give it a try.

Tony has seven brothers; I don't know if he has any sisters.

My yodeling concert tour took me through Decatur, Georgia; Edison, New Jersey; and Butte, Montana.

Homer's Cyclops; Frankenstein's monster; and Melville's Moby Dick all share similar symbolic characteristics.

My phobias include apiphobia, which is the fear of bees; coulrophobia, the fear of clowns; and homiclophobia, the fear of fog.

Oh, great; my cousin Ethel is stopping by this afternoon.

Gene rose to address the crowd; but soon realized he had forgotten his notes.

The team played exceptionally well on the road; much better than anyone expected.

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